Hr solution

  • Recruitment & Selection
  • The process of recruitment should be part of the organisation's human resource plan. People are a major organisational resource and must be managed as such.

    Effective recruitment practices ensure that a firm has enough people with the right skills.

    The importance of recruitment and selection:

    The founding belief of the human resources management (HRM) approach is that employees represent a scarce and crucial resource which must be obtained, retained, developed and mobilised for organisational success.

    (a) Recruitment (and training) issues are central to the business strategy.

    (b) Organisations need to deploy skills in order to succeed.

    Although the labour market might seem a 'buyer's market', in practice there are:

        (i) Skill shortages in key sectors (eg computing services) and local areas

      (ii) Mismatches between available skill supply and the demands of particular markets and organisations. Even in conditions of high overall employment, particular skill shortages still exist and may indeed be more acute because of recessionary pressures on education and training. Sales and Marketers, Engineers and software designers, among other specialist and highly trained groups, are the target of fierce competition among employers, forcing a revaluation of recruitment and retention policies.

    BM Global Service provides recruitment and selection services through its HR arm, i.e., BM JOBS. BM Jobs has the largest online data bank of skilled people in Nepal. It is recruiting manpower for across the sections of the business and industry for more than two decades.